[ BDSN ] 🛩️ Jolted awake, 36,000 feet over Panama - we're going down

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The worst plane accident in history - PlaneCrashInfo.com

I was jolted awake at 4am, 36,000 feet above Central America, on a flight from Buenos Aires to Dallas. Suddenly, the captain of the American Airlines 777 announced, “Sorry to wake everyone up.

Our left engine is on fire. We’re going to be making an emergency landing in Panama City, Panama.”

As we approached the runway, I could see ambulances with lights blazing and fire trucks ready for action.

This high-adrenaline airplane adventure was just one of many for me:

  1. Diverted landing from Chicago to Austin due to a passenger bleeding out next me in First Class.

  2. Sudden aborted take-off in Cancun because of a funnel cloud.

  3. Aborted landing at 100 feet in Sydney due to runway interference.

  4. An electrifying journey to Barbados when lightning struck the plane.

Through these experiences, I realized something profound: A business is like an airplane. There are a lot of moving parts that have to work together to keep it afloat, and you always need to be ready for mayday.

Like in business, I always do my homework. Before I fly in Africa, Russia or parts of Asia where aviation safety is more questionable, I always minimize my risk by checking the website Plane Crash Info. But wanderlust is in my blood.

Life is fleeting. It’s hard to remember that this day will never come again. The time is now and the place is here. There are no second chances at a single moment.


Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Mark Twain

You won’t have a second chance to have the kind of life and business changing experience you’ll have with the BDSS Dream 100 at Market Masters in Austin.


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Danger Will Rogers!

Be cautious when considering "done for you" (DFY) or “automation” services, which promise to handle all aspects of your Amazon business.

The FTC has busted people like Kevin David and David Arnett in the past who used unfounded claims of big returns to entice consumers into moneymaking schemes involving Amazon and Walmart businesses.

Seth Kniep and Dan Rogers are two others who are accused of bankrupting their companies leaving sellers and investors empty handed.

And just last week, this lawsuit was filed in Illinois against Will Basta and Jeremy Leung for fraudulently promoting an Amazon & Walmart done for you service and stealing $140,000 from one client.

While these services can be appealing, they come with significant risks:

1. Lack of Control and Transparency

  • Limited Oversight: You may have little to no control over how your business is managed, leading to decisions that may not align with your goals or standards.

  • Transparency Issues: DFY services might not provide clear information about their processes, making it difficult to understand how your business is being run.

  1. Quality and Compliance Concerns

  • Product Quality: There is a risk that the products sourced or created by the DFY service may not meet Amazon's quality standards, leading to negative reviews and potential account suspension.

  • Compliance Risks: DFY services might not adhere to Amazon's strict policies and guidelines, risking account suspension or bans.

  1. Financial Risks

  • High Costs: These services often come with high fees, which can significantly eat into your profits.

  • Hidden Fees: Be wary of hidden costs that may not be disclosed upfront, impacting your overall profitability.

  1. Scams and Fraud

  • Fraudulent Services: There are numerous reports of fraudulent DFY services that take money without delivering promised results.

  • Legal Issues: Engaging with a fraudulent service can lead to legal complications, including lawsuits and financial losses.


  • Do Thorough Research: Investigate any DFY service thoroughly before committing. Look for reviews, testimonials, and any red flags.

  • Maintain Control: Keep a level of control over key aspects of your business to ensure it aligns with your vision and standards.

    Here is some simple due diligence on a company called “E-com Automation.”

    Here’s what they claim on their website:

And they proudly show a photo of “David Roberts”, their “very experienced co-founder.”

A simple Google image search of that photo reveals it may not be David Roberts after all:

Thank you for helping BDSN pass 10,000 active subscribers this week, almost all organically and from referrals. That doesn’t count the 3,872 that have been booted for not clicking or opening at least one newsletter per month.

Unlike most newsletters, who just blast emails to anyone who can say “Amazon,” BDSN is 100% opt-in. Open rates are not a good metric due to Apple’s Privacy (Apple Mail obfuscates opens for many users).

If you send e-mails, click rate is the key metric. Most newsletters are below 3%. BDSN is more than 4X that.

The newsletter’s one-year birthday is coming this month (never missed an issue twice a week), and surprises for you are part of the celebration!


There is a new phenomenon emerging of "Amazombies" - Amazon customers who return large volumes of packages at brick-and-mortar stores like Staples, Kohl's and UPS Stores. This according to The Washington Post (which is owned by Jeff Bezos).

These stores have agreements with Amazon to serve as drop-off points for returns, which was initially seen as a mutually beneficial arrangement:

  1. The volume of returns has become overwhelming for store employees, taking up significant time and resources without necessarily increasing revenue.

  2. The process is time-consuming, involving scanning, labeling, bagging, and boxing items for pickup.

  3. Retail workers bear the brunt of customer frustrations despite having no direct communication with Amazon.

  4. Some stores, like Staples, try to convert Amazon returners into their own customers by offering coupons, but success is limited.

  5. In 2023, Americans made $247 billion worth of online returns, highlighting the scale of the issue.

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Try it today to get free shipping on your first Alibaba Guaranteed order!

🤭 400,000 FBA PRODUCTS to be REMOVED

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has ruled this week that Amazon must recall over 400,000 hazardous products sold by third-party sellers through its FBA program.

Key Compliance Steps for Amazon Sellers

  • Testing: Ensure all products meet federal safety standards through rigorous testing.

  • Certification: Obtain and document necessary safety certifications for high-risk products.

  • Accurate Descriptions: Provide detailed product descriptions, including safety features and compliance information.

  • Clear Warnings: Include clear safety warnings and usage instructions.

  • Recall Plan: Develop a recall plan aligned with CPSC guidelines and Amazon policies.

  • Customer Notifications: Notify customers promptly about recalls and provide return instructions.


Join the free virtual summit - Seller Fest Online powered by Getida - happening next week on August 5-9!

[email protected]This unique event brought to you by Orange Klik features 40 top experts delivering actionable Amazon strategies in live, interactive sessions.

Over 5 days, you'll learn about AI in Amazon business, advanced PPC strategies, optimizing listings for future search algorithms, leveraging TikTok Shop to expand your brand's reach, and more.

Register now and get ready to transform your Amazon business!



"If you are not aggressive, you are not going to make money, and if you are not defensive, you are not going to keep money.”

Ray Dalio

✌🏼 I’ll holler at you from aboard the CMS Rocky Mountain train on Monday …

The answer to today’s STUMP BEZOS is
August 14, 2023