[ BDSN ] 🤭 Common Amazon mistakes to avoid


This is a new feature I am testing - the BDSN newsletter as a podcast.

You can now listen to the latest Amazon and e-com news from BDSN read by me while you workout, cook, are driving or traveling and so on.

Try it above and reply to tell me what you think about this new feature.

It will be on Apple, Spotify and other podcast platforms soon as well.


In Amazon PPC, what is the recommended minimum duration to let a campaign run before making adjustments?

[ Answer at bottom of email ]

Welcome Janelle Page to the Billion Dollar Dream 100

In the hallowed halls of success, where fortunes are forged and legends are born, there walks a woman whose very presence commands attention.

Her name? Janelle Page, the latest inductee into the Billion Dollar Dream 100.

Picture, if you will, a scene from the not-so-distant past. The year is 2017, the setting: a lavish conference room in a Cancun resort, the air thick with anticipation and the scent of success from Amazon sellers who paid $10,000 each to be there.

The hum of a seventy-two conversations dies down as a crowd of millionaires and aspiring tycoons settle into plush chairs, their eyes fixed upon a sleek stage where magic is about to unfold.

The spotlight cuts through the dimness, and there she stands – Janelle Page, a whirlwind of energy and brilliance. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she kicks off her flip flops, sending them sailing across the stage.

Janelle atop a human pyramid on stage in 2017

The crowd gasps, then chuckles. Janelle's bare feet grip the stage as if to say, "Watch me defy gravity and shatter your expectations."

This is Janelle Page – part marketing maestro, part spiritual guru to the entrepreneurial masses. Her mission? To help business owners and creators not just survive, but thrive in the cutthroat world of commerce.

But here's the twist, the secret ingredient in her recipe for success: she never lets them forget what truly matters. Health, life, family, friends – these are the pillars upon which empires are built, the foundation that keeps you standing when the storms of business threaten to topple all you've built.

Janelle's journey is a tale of resilience, of rising from the ashes time and time again. She's raised a tribe of children, faced the sudden loss of a business partner to the cruel hand of glioblastoma, and bid farewell to both a sister and sister-in-law, claimed too soon by cancer's merciless grasp.

In the world of e-commerce, she's the secret weapon of top companies, and a partner in countless successful ventures

Before others even whispered the word "brand," Janelle was shouting it from the rooftops, teaching sellers how to create identities that don't just speak to customers – they sing, they dance, they convert like crazy and crush the competition.

Janelle Page is a perpetual motion machine of ideas and enthusiasm. Her mind races faster than her mouth can keep up, a never-ending avalanche of innovation and insight.

And when she's not revolutionizing the business world? You'll find her on the pickleball court, because even titans need their moments of play.

Janelle Page is not just the latest member of the Billion Dollar Dream 100. She's a beacon, a guide, a living testament to what can be achieved with brilliance, perseverance, and a dash of pickleball-fueled fun.

Her crumbs are worth more than most people's gold, and her wisdom ... well, that's priceless.

She’ll be at the BDSS Market Masters Think Tank next month in Austin along with many more of the Dream 100. Don’t miss the chance to seek her wise advice and pick her brain.


Part of the gang at Kevin & Norm’s CMS Rocky Mountain trip yesterday


Bulk Operations streamline Amazon PPC campaign management, enabling you to execute thousands of changes with a single upload, thus saving hours of manual work.

Leveraging Bulk Operations can significantly cut down your campaign management time and keep you ahead of the competition. For even greater efficiency, consider using automation tools like Ad Badger to streamline repetitive tasks.

The guys at Ad Badger have created a free comprehensive guide covering all you need to know to leverage Bulk Operations effectively and dominate the marketplace.

Key Bulk File Tasks Covered:

  • Create New Campaigns: Set up multiple campaigns quickly using Amazon's Bulk Operations Template.

  • Manage Ad Groups: Easily create and manage ad groups with precise control over bids and budgets.

  • Add SKUs and Keywords: Efficiently add SKUs to ad groups and target specific keywords.

  • Adjust Bids: Simplify bid adjustments across campaigns for optimized performance.

  • Advanced Tactics: Implement strategies like RPSB, negative keyword optimization, and advanced bid strategies to enhance your campaigns.

  • Avoid Common Mistakes: Ensure proper formatting, avoid overwriting critical data, and review changes before uploading to prevent errors.

For the full process and detailed instructions, click here.

Discover how LockStar 3X’d Revenue with Levanta!

Join us for a FREE webinar that reveals how Lockstar achieved 3x revenue in a competitive Amazon category exclusively through affiliate marketing using Levanta.

Discover their strategies and improvements in Best Sellers Rank (BSR) and Organic Search Rank using no additional paid channels.

  • 📈 Achieving 3x revenue growth

  • 🏆 Improvement in Best Seller Rank (BSR)

  • 🔍 Boost in Organic Search Rank

When: Wednesday, August 14th, 2024

Time: 9am PST / 12pm EST

→→→→→→→ Save Your Spot→→→→→→


Brian Olsavsky, Amazon’s chief financial officer, says average selling prices are trending down on the marketplace. 

“What we’re seeing is really around Average Selling Price, and lower ASP in products selected by customers,” Olsavsky said.

“Customers are continuing to be cautious with their spending, trading down to lower ASP products. And even on the higher-ticket items there’s certainly a drop-off from probably more of a steady-state, thriving economy.”

Know what costs a lot?

Hiring a data analyst.

A US analyst that aggregates and synthesizes meaning from data across your jumble of ad platforms and tools will set you back nearly $75K per year:

And even if you can afford it, half their time will be spent wrestling spreadsheets into submission. $36,000 for someone to download CSVs and pivot table their way into coherent insights you’re going to rely on to scale your business? Yikes.

Or you could use Triple Whale

Bring the real-time metrics that matter most into one customizable dashboard, giving you the real-time insights you need to grow your brand, at the office or on the go.

  • All your e-commerce metrics in real-time

  • Attribution you can trust

  • AI that understands your business

That’s exactly what the guys at Obvi did

They managed to avoid a costly data analyst hire and increase revenue 67%. And they aren’t alone. 10,000+ brands built on Amazon and Shopify trust Triple Whale as their single source of truth.

If you’re interested in accessing better insights, saving yourself $72,363, and growing your business, check out Triple Whale.


You can spend hours, days, even weeks trying to source the ‘right’ creators - but 9 times out of 10, you’ll just end up right back at square one.  

What you should be doing instead is using a tool like SARAL.

Untapped Influencer Talent. 

These are smaller, more niche creators that are much harder to find through manual search.

But they are MUCH more aligned with your brand, your vision, and your audience.  

SARAL helps you to find this talent by leveraging their lookalikes search, which lets you:  

  • Find influencers similar to your top-performing creators & celebrities.  

  • Use their filters to get as specific as you need, narrowing by followers, location and engagement rate.  

Saral’s Lookalike search feature ALONE helps to save you a countless amount of time and effort, and in the long run, will help you find the talent you need to build a profitable and sustainable influencer marketing foundation. 

The average ROAS on SARAL is 5.12x. The median ROAS is 7.68x.


Tickets are now on sale for Amazon Unboxed in Austin this October 14-16.

Last year’s show in New York sold out way in advance. Amazon says they are expecting 2,000+ attendees at the Austin Convention Center.

On the night of the 14th, the team behind BDSS, Amazing at Home and So Stocked, including the Carnival of Dreams and Naughty & Nice Christmas Party last year, and BDSS Hawaii are hosting …

A Halloween Spooktacular Event at Lucille’s on Rainey Street.

Our Spooktacular venue can only hold 350 people, and there are 2,000+ expected for Amazon Unboxed.  Don’t wait to buy your ticket or you will may not be able to get in.

Here is a video recap of our team’s last party for Amazon sellers in December:

Interested in sponsoring? Contact Chelsea



Success isn’t about fitting in. You want to do everything you can to bring value in a way no one else can match.”

✌🏼 Have a great weekend.

See you again on Monday.

The answer to today’s STUMP BEZOS is
at least 2 weeks before making big adjustments